- He downed the medicine at one swallow.
他一口便把药全吞下了。 - He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast.
The value chain for web accessibility
A Saxon Bed Burial on Swallowcliffe Down. Excavations by F. de. M. Vatcher. By George Speake
New Light on Old Sites: A geophysical survey at the Early Iron Age site at Swallowcliffe Down, Wiltshire
A Saxon Bed Burial on Swallowcliffe Down. EF. . M. V. By GS
A Saxon Bed Burial on Swallowcliffe Down. Excavations by F. de M. Vatcher. By SpeakeGeorge. 297 u00d7 210mm. Pp. viii + 135, 97 figs...
Saxon Bed Burial on Swallowcliffe Down
Punters Gulp Down Swallow on Bid Talk; MARKET REPORT
Light Form of Swallow in Co. Down
Down the Luck Swallow It Whole
Swallow function in children with Down syndrome: a retrospective study.