- The police watched the bars which he was known to resort.
警方监视著他常去的酒吧。 - He's sometimes been known to sit there all day.
The causative organism of contagious equine metritis 1977: proposal for a new species to be known as Haemophilus equigenitalis
Nutrition metabolism classic - A formula to estimate the approximate surface-area if height and weight be known
"I would just like to be known as an athlete": Managing hegemony, femininity, and heterosexuality in female sport.
Roseovarius crassostreae, the etiological agent of Juvenile Oyster Disease (now to be known as Roseovarius Oyster Disease) in Crasso...
A formula to estimate the appropriate surface area if height and weight be known
Erasing National Borders to Build A Trade Region Movement Strives to Create a Vast Area in Northwest That Will Be Known as Cascadia
One Play Cannot be Known to Win or Lose a Game: a Fallibilist Account of Game
A “Jewish State…to Be Known as the State of Israel”: Notes on Israeli Legal Historiography
Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis: Long-discussed but yet-to-be-known
General and plastic surgery devices: reclassification of ultraviolet lamps for tanning, henceforth to be known as sunlamp products a...