The Deal TacticiansmRNA helicases: the tacticians of translational control.Botanists Sometimes Important Military TacticiansAvoiding Conflict: Mothers as Tacticians in the SupermarketmRNA helicases:the tacticians of translational control: the tacticians of translational controlPotential:Explains the Warring States Period Tacticians' “Bai He"TacticsPatterns of managerial influence: Shotgun managers, tacticians, and bystanders'Tacticians in the Struggle for Change’? Exploring the Dynamics between Legal Organisations and Social Movements Engaged in Rights-...Patterns of Managerial Influence: Shotgun Managers, Tacticians, and Bystanders. Organizational Dynamics 12(3), S. 58-67University Administrators as Information Tacticians: Understanding Transparency as Selective Concealment and Instrumental Disclosure