- Such assurances have done little to quiet fears that Connell continues to taint the air.
Food Taints and Off-FlavoursFood Taints and Off-FlavoursMicrobiology of food taintsTaints in meat from sheep grazing Parthenium hysterophorus.Protecting against packaging taintsThe hen''s egg: Genetics of taints in eggs from hens fed on rapeseed mealSolid-phase microextraction in the analysis of food taints and off-flavorsAn alternative method for analysis of food taints using stir bar sorptive extraction.An investigation into the occurrence of geosmin responsible for earthy-musty taints in UK farmed rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykissFactors influencing geosmin production by a streptomycete and their relevance to the occurrence of earthy taints in reservoirs