- To say that something is'adequate enough'is a tautology.
说某样东西“足够够用了”就是一个同义反复。 - To create man was a fine and original idea;but to add the sheep was a tautology.
Tautology in Evolution and Ecology
The autoimmune tautology
On the tautology of the matching law.
Individual quality: tautology or biological reality?
Theory of generalized tautology in revised Kleene system
Tautology checking using cross-controllability and cross-observability relations
Fibromyalgia syndrome, a problem of tautology.
Tautology in the Resource-Based View and the Implications of Externally Determined Resource Value: Further Comments
Illustrative visualization:new technology or useless tautology?
Common mechanisms of autoimmune diseases (the autoimmune tautology)