
英 [tæz]
美 [tæz]
  • n.


  • 学习怎么用


    The biology of YAP/TAZ: hippo signaling and beyond.
    TAZ promotes PC2 degradation through a SCFbeta-Trcp E3 ligase complex.
    ZZ and TAZ: new putative zinc fingers in dystrophin and other proteins.
    A role for TAZ in migration, invasion, and tumorigenesis of breast cancer cells.
    YAP/TAZ incorporation in the β-catenin destruction complex orchestrates the Wnt response.
    TAZ controls Smad nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and regulates human embryonic stem-cell self-renewal.
    TAZ: a novel transcriptional co-activator regulated by interactions with 14-3-3 and PDZ domain proteins
    Hippo Pathway-independent Restriction of TAZ and YAP by Angiomotin
    Transduction of mechanical and cytoskeletal cues by YAP and TAZ.
    TEAD Transcription Factors Mediate the Function of TAZ in Cell Growth and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition