- Each was ultimately found to have a teratoma.
每一个患者最终被发现患有畸胎瘤。 - This is embryonal carcinoma mixed with teratoma.
The growing teratoma syndrome
Fetal sacrococcygeal teratoma
Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in Mouse Teratoma
Sacrococcygeal teratoma: American Academy of Pediatrics Surgical Section Survey-1973.
Teratoma Formation Leads to Failure of Treatment for Type I Diabetes Using Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Insulin-Producing Cells
Paraneoplastic encephalitis, psychiatric symptoms, and hypoventilation in ovarian teratoma.
Formation of a keratinizing epithelium in culture by a cloned cell line derived from a teratoma
Paraneoplastic anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis associated with ovarian teratoma.
An antibody against SSEA-5 glycan on human pluripotent stem cells enables removal of teratoma-forming cells
Histopathology in the prediction of relapse of patients with stage I testicular teratoma treated by orchidectomy alone