The Original Status of Wolves in Eastern North AmericaThe Original Michaelis Constant: Translation of the 1913 Michaelis–Menten PaperThe original Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker family of Austria: divergent clinicopathological phenotypes but constant PrP genotype.Use of the original, modified, or new intracerebral hemorrhage score to predict mortality and morbidity after intracerebral hemorrhageProstate Cancer Cells with Stem Cell Characteristics Reconstitute the Original Human Tumor In vivoACD arrangement for automatically returning a call at a time specified by the original callerCorrections and errata to: Algorithmic graph theory and perfect graphs, the original 1980 editionWhen the signal is not from the original molecule to be detected: chemical transformation of para-aminothiophenol on Ag during the S...More information from fewer questions: the factor structure and item properties of the original and brief fear of negative evaluatio...Obesity and overweight in relation to organ-specific cancer mortality in London (UK): findings from the original Whitehall study