Cosmogonic and Theogonic ProcessesThe recurrent theogonic theme of the seduction of Zeus by Hera in Homer's IliadFrom (Theogonic) Mythos to (Poetic) Logos: Reading Pindar’s Genealogical Metaphors after FreidenbergThe Place of the Hostile Twins in a Proposed Theogonic StructureThe Origin of the Gods: A Psychoanalytic Study of Greek Theogonic MythThe Origin of the Gods. A Psychoanalytic Study of Greek Theogonic Myth by R. S. CaldwellThe Origin of the Gods. A Psychoanalytic Study of Greek Theogonic Myth by Richard CaldwellLévi-Strauss and the "Kingship in Heaven": A Structural Analysis of a Widespread Theogonic ThemeThe Origin of the Gods: A Psychoanalytic Study of Greek Theogonic Myth/Hesiod's Theogony. Translated, With Introduction, Commentary,...Richard Caldwell: The Origin of the Gods: a Psychoanalytic Study of Greek Theogonic Myth. Pp. xvi + 206; 2 figures. Oxford Universi...