- Theosophy is the result of the scientific development in the west society.
Beyond the theosophy of chiropractic.Divine Feminine: Theosophy and Feminism in EnglandDivine Feminine: Theosophy and Feminism in England (review)Theosophy : an introduction to the supersensible knowledge of the world and the destination of manParadoxical Ascent to God, The: The Kabbalistic Theosophy of Habad HasidismClaiming Knowledge. Strategies of Epistemology From Theosophy to the New AgeSexology and the Occult: Sexuality and Subjectivity in Theosophy's New Age"To Mix or Not to Mix": Syncretism/Anti-Syncretism in the History of Theosophy"The Public Interest"In Administrative Decision-Making: Theorem, Theosophy, or Theory?Book Review: Claiming Knowledge. Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age, par Olav Hammer. Leiden: Brill, 2004.