- The books are arranged very tidily on the shelf.
书架上的图书十分整齐地排列着。 - Please put your things away tidily.
Apparatus for folding ribbons tidily
Tidily Tweaking Electrons' Twirls. (Electronic Acrobats)
Electronic acrobats: Tidily tweaking electrons' twirls
The structure of cytidilyl(2′,5′)adenosine when bound to pancreatic ribonuclease S ☆
Description of Sphingosinicella xenopeptidilytica sp. nov., a beta-peptide-degrading species, and emended descriptions of the genus ...
Replantation of untidily amputated finger, hand, and arm: experience of 99 replantations in 66 cases.
Radiation-induced fluorescence changes of 2'-deoxycytidine and cytidilyl-cytidine in aqueous solution. comparison with radiolytic be...
Radiation-Induced Fluorescence Changes of 2'-Deoxycytidine and Cytidilyl-Cytidine in Aqueous Solution. Comparison with Radiolytic Be...
Interaction of the anti-tumour drug cis-Pt(en)Cl2 with Cytidilyl-3'--5'-guanosine.
Isovector radiative decays and second-class currents in mass 8 nuclei