- She spent an hour titivating (herself) before going out.
Urban Orange Smog Titivate Lative Process ModelingRethinking sustainable biofuel marketing to titivate commercial interestsUrban Orange Smog Titivate Lative Process ModelingPARTY SEASON PIT STOPS ; Don't Try to Titivate in the Office Loo This Year -- Instead Put Yourself into the Expert Hands of Speedy M...Titivate: The Art of Hat-MakingTitivated for destruction: the methyl degron.Preparation of the nano crystalline barium titivated ceramicT2wsn: Titivated two-tired chord overlay aiding robustness and delivery ratio for wireless sensor networksNippy Sweetie: 'Paint nearly peeled off the walls when the gents titivated themselves for the evening'PENGARUH BATU BERHIAS TERHADAP KREATIVITAS ANAK DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK AMALAN PASIR PARUPUK TABING PADANG