- They arrived at five o'clock to the minute.
他们恰好五点到达。 - He went abroad three years ago to the day.
他出国恰好已有三年了。 - He says he really can't afford to wait another day.
他说他确实一天也等不了啦。 - Hopefully I can open a company one day.
To a day
Virological and immunological responses to a once-a-day antiretroviral regimen with didanosine, lamivudine and efavirenz.
Changes in psychophysiological functions during night shift in nurses. Influence of changing from a full-day to a half-day work shif...
A day trip to a forest park increases human natural killer activity and the expression of anti-cancer proteins in male subjects.
Physiological and performance responses to a 6-day taper in middle-distance runners: influence of training frequency.
Abstract MP40: A Steps/Day Translation of the Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity Guideline for Children and Adolescents
Hormonal and ovarian responses to a 5-day progesterone treatment in anoestrous dairy cows in the third week post-partum.
[Selection of patients for admission to a day-care clinic as an alternative to stationary treatment in a regional hospital]
Adapting family‐based therapy to a day hospital programme for adolescents with eating disorders: preliminary outcomes and trajector...
Method of converting a truck sleeper cab to a day cab