Age of the Springville shale (Mississippian) of Southern IllinoisSaunterings - Paris In May--French Girls--The Emperor At LongchampsIMPLEMENTASI LINEAR CONGRUENT METHOD (LCM) UNTUK PENGACAKAN SOAL UJIAN BERKATEGORIEffects of caffeine ingestion on exercise testing: a meta-analysis.YKL-40, a marker of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction, is elevated in patients with type 1 diabetes and increases with levels...Development and verification of a numerical model for the analysis of ...Induction of calcium flux and enhancement of cytolytic activity in natural killer cells by cross-linking of the sheep erythrocyte bi...Mothers and vaccination: knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour in Italy.Strong Stochastic Stability and Rate of Mixing for Unimodal MapsEsophageal carcinoma advances in treatment results for locally advanced disease: review.