‘Tosspots’ and ‘Quaffers’: Characterizations of Drinking and Drunkenness in Hamilton City, 1945-1989
MacKenzie tells Scots to lighten up over his 'tartan tosspots' jibes
History remembers the many faces of Sir Edmund Barton 'Toby Tosspot' [This article is one of several published in the Bulletin throu...
Edmund who?: Edmund Barton: 'Toby Tosspot': our first Prime Minister.
PBS Mulls Frito-Lay's `Wishbone' Ad Offer; $1 Million for Chee-tos Spots Before Kids' Show
Development of nonogold particles for detection of white spot syndrome virus /Tosapol Chatvarapitag
Edmund Barton: The one man for the job
Aliens and Englishness in Elizabethan Drama by Lloyd Edward Kermode (review)
Sport on TV: Outpouring of Bitterness Stemmed by Prince Charming