TransilienceSynthesis and transilience of a 1,3-diazabiphenyleneEXPERIMENTAL TESTS OF GENETIC TRANSILIENCEEXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE FOR THE GENETIC-TRANSILIENCE MODEL OF SPECIATION.ChemInform Abstract: SYNTHESIS AND TRANSILIENCE OF A 1,3‐DIAZABIPHENYLENEContinuous Transilience Induced Blindness - H-V Anisotropy and Luminance Asymmetry of disappearance -Towards a more resilient Rotterdam: Using the transilience approachA coupled transilience model for turbulent air flow within plant canopies and the planetary boundary layerKaryotype Variability and Chromosome Transilience in Rodents: The Case of the Genus MusKaryotype Variability and Chromosome Transilience in Rodents: The Case of the Genus Mus