golden triangle金三角
love triangle三角恋爱
equilateral triangle等边三角形
right triangle直角三角形
isosceles triangle等腰三角形
regular triangle正三角形;等边三角形
iron triangle铁三角;铁三角架
triangle belt三角皮带,三角带
triangle inequality三角形公理;三角不等式
triangle trade三角贸易
right-angled triangle直角三角形
Triangles and crystals: On the geometry of qualitative researchSpectral methods on triangles and other domainsPoints and triangles in the plane and halving planes in spaceGaussian quadrature formulas for trianglesDiabolical Points in the Spectra of TrianglesSmooth subdivision surfaces based on trianglesDysprosium triangles showing single-molecule magnet behavior of thermally excited spin states.Planar graphs without 4-cycles and close triangles are (2, 0, 0)-colorablePink triangles: antecedents and consequences of perceived workplace discrimination against gay and lesbian employees.Plos biology: Algorithmic self-assembly of dna sierpinski triangles