Serum level of TSGF, CA242 and CA19-9 in pancreatic cancer肿瘤特异性生长因子(TSGF)检测分析血清NSE TSGF CA125 CYFRA21_1联合检测对肺癌的诊断价值关于肿瘤相关物质群(TSGF)检测的初步研究恶性肿瘤特异性生长因子(TSGF)的检测在肿瘤诊断中的应用结直肠癌中医辨证分型与肿瘤标志物(TSGF)相关性的研究Nipple discharge of CA15-3, CA125, CEA and TSGF as a new biomarker panel for breast cancer.Value of Combined Detection of Serum CEA, CA72-4, CA19-9 and TSGF in the Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer.Clinical value of tumour specific growth factor (TSGF) and carbohydrate antigen-125 (CA-125) in carcinoma of the endometriumChanges in the expression of serum markers CA242, CA199, CA125, CEA, TNF-α and TSGF after cryosurgery in pancreatic cancer patients