Is the Turbellaria polyphyletic?Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria.Morphology of the Turbellaria at the ultrastructural levelComparative ultrastructure of adhesive systems in the turbellariaFrontal organs in the Acoelomorpha (Turbellaria): Ultrastructure and phylogenetic significanceFrontal organs in the Acoelomorpha (Turbellaria): Ultrastructure and phylogenetic significanceEmbryonic muscle development of Convoluta pulchra (Turbellaria-acoelomorpha, platyhelminthes)A molecular approach for the identification of meiofaunal turbellarians (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria)Studies on Feeding, Digestion, and Food Storage in Free-Living Flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria)GENETIC VARIATION IN POPULATIONS OF THE HERMAPHRODITIC FLATWORM MESOSTOMA LINGUA (TURBELLARIA, RHABDOCOELA)