- He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak.
他用力拧了一下那男孩的耳朵。 - Maybe you should tweak a few sentences before you send in the report.
- She tweaked his ear playfully.
她拧他的耳朵玩儿。 - Setting up the chat is really easy and you can tweak it to suit you and your audience.
TWEAK induces angiogenesis and proliferation of endothelial cells.
TWEAK can induce cell death via endogenous TNF and TNF receptor 1.
TWEAK Induces NF-κB2 p100 Processing and Long Lasting NF-κB Activation
TWEAK induces NF-kappaB2 p100 processing and long lasting NF-kappaB activation
TWEAK, a New Secreted Ligand in the Tumor Necrosis Factor Family That Weakly Induces Apoptosis
Use of the TWEAK test in screening for alcoholism/heavy drinking in three populations.
TWEAK, a member of the TNF superfamily, is a multifunctional cytokine that binds the TweakR/Fn14 receptor
TWEAKing tissue remodeling by a multifunctional cytokine: role of TWEAK/Fn14 pathway in health and disease
TWEAK-FN14 signaling induces lysosomal degradation of a cIAP1–TRAF2 complex to sensitize tumor cells to TNFα
A novel TNF receptor family member binds TWEAK and is implicated in angiogenesis.