- He unfastened the buckles and took off the coat.
他解开扣子,把上衣脱掉。 - You may unfasten your seat belt now.
Utility tote container with unfastenable and refastenable side walls and end walls
A Scaling Theory of the Competition between Interdiffusion and Cross-Linking at Polymer Interfaces
A paradigm shift! The Internet, the Web, browsers, Java and the future of computer science education
Transfer of training between distinct motor tasks after stroke: implications for task-specific approaches to upper-extremity neurore...
Container having two or more compartments
The Hand Function of Children with and Without Neurological Motor Disorders
Bracelet type fastening device
Verbal Extensions in Bantu:(the Case of Swahili and Nyamwezi)
Interactive coupling devices
Supporting structure and blanks therefor