Permanently fastened紧固后不可拆卸的
be fastened绑紧
multiple fastened机械连接
fastened shawl头巾
is fastened艏斜帆桁
fastened pulley固定皮带盘
copper fastened用铜固定的
Not fastened不稳固
Removably fastened可拆卸毗连的
fasten on v. 集中于;把...强加于;纠缠;抓住,紧紧握住
Thenhefastenedatorchtoeverypair oftails.
Piersinstructedme to be both patient and quite harsh: the branchesthat aren'tfastenedbackneed to be lopped off in order toconcentratealltheenergiesintothe others.
AsuddenthoughtgaveGrethelunusualstrength;shestartedforward,gavetheoldwoman apushwhichsentherrightintothe oven,thensheshuttheiron doorandfastenedthe bolt.
Strength of Mechanically Fastened Composite Joints
Mechanics of mechanically fastened joints in polymer–matrix composite structures – A review
Clip fastened at solar cell module, has lead line which is fastened with clip main portion through connecting element
A Progressive Damage Model for Mechanically Fastened Joints in Composite Laminates
Stress analysis and strength prediction of mechanically fastened joints in FRP: a review
The application of geostatistics to the evaluation of fastened soil properties according to sounding data
Trailer e.g. for load, has framework having fastened pole with handle provided which rises upward and has pair of wheels
Pneumatic spring unit for e.g. passenger car, has covering fastened at external periphery and outside upper rolling region of spring...
Folding fixture for fastening electronic unit on printed circuit board, has spacers fastened to edges of assembly element, where end...
Fundamental Study on Behavior of a Retrofitted Steel Plate with a Patch Plate Fastened by Stud Bolts Subjected to Cyclic Tensile Loa...