- She did not believe in his professions of love.
她不相信他的爱情表白是真的。 - I believe he has started reading up anthropology.
我相信他已开始攻读人类学。 - We have confidence in the mayor.
我们信任这位市长。 - She has implicit trust in her secretary.
I Don't Believe in Word Senses
"I don't believe in word senses"
Learning to Believe in Sunspots
Learning to Believe in Sunspots
Why Would Anyone Believe in God
Do you believe in atheists? Distrust is central to anti-atheist prejudice.
UnravellingMycosphaerella: do you believe in genera?
Do we still believe in the dopamine hypothesis? New data bring new evidence
Consistent updates for software-defined networks: change you can believe in!
Investment in long-term goals and commitment to just means drive the need to believe in a just world.