
misery mass village hut wind up end up seek to tyranny replace colonial form word rank asunder split be at odds with dare not divided venture cooperative a host of united loyalty pledge origin spiritual cultural ally survival assure foe oppose ear wish inaugural excerpt in vain resolve measure devotion task nobly thus far detract add struggle hallow consecrate In a larger sense proper fitting altogether portion battlefield endure civil war be engaged in equal create proposition dedicate liberty conceive continent bring forth fourscore address obey faculty under control undertaking conscience attention hasty conduct preface heroism endurance feverish drill rush cultivation demand well-balanced excited test command lead application ordinary trait illustrate sobriety diligence pursue enable self-discipline passion impulse yield self-respect root virtue master usefulness servant aristocracy democratic enroll worthy cheer candle light treasure communicate unstable eager indolent quicken awaken ignorance trench attack darkness border watch decree decoration chariot blare trumpet hardship contend obscurity pedagogy system educator campaign praise by-product aim directly superficial frivolous vicissitude share conquer suffer rather discouragement disappointment exhibit sunlight splash radiate mask put on pose assume open trust pause anchorage still launch port alternative decline magnetic backward forward set deed in itself direction childlike limitation bare advance mere precisely ceaseless steady tendency movement wherever whoever existence rest journey grievance nurse tempt purpose make the most of gift pity grudge incident insignificant review irreplaceable thoughtless meaningfully priceless trivial dwell on profit occupy reject gratitude deserve put faith in injured inevitably unavoidable conflict being imperfect previous superior repentance repeat to the point of regret humanity want waste extravagance simply seriously regulate discipline patience self-control genius tell intellect loss sorrow shadow sober come close to loving by turns blessing bereavement yarn tangled lot