- He answered in words unintelligible to her.
他用她听不懂的话来回答。 - You talk at times most unintelligible stuff.
Unintelligible Management Research and Academic Prestige
Method for repeating interrogations until failing to receive unintelligible responses to identify plurality of transponders by an in...
Phonological process which characterize unintelligible and intelligible speech in early childhood
Unintelligible low-frequency sound enhances simulated cochlear-implant speech recognition in noise
Can meta-analysis rescue knowledge from a sea of unintelligible data?
Recovered in Mali, Air Algerie tape 'unintelligible'
Simultaneous electronic transactions
Secret communication system
Technical progress is closely connected with the social and everyday comfort of society, with the level of the needs of modern socie...
Relationships among speech perception, production, language, hearing loss, and age in children with impaired hearing.