- His hesitation indicates unwillingness.
他的犹豫表明不愿意。 - One danger is unwillingness to admit the need to change.
一个危险是不愿意承认改变的必要。 - Nothing keeps you in bondage to the past more than an unwillingness to forgive.
唯有不情愿饶恕能把人们束缚在过去的事件当中。 - Do you think for one moment that her seller would approve of her unwillingness to disclose the apartment number to a prospective purchaser.
Unwillingness to pay for privacy: A field experiment
Unwillingness to pay : Tax evasion and public good provision
The Unwillingness-to-Communicate Scale: Development and validation.
Unwillingness-to-communicate, perceptions of the Internet and self-disclosure in ICQ
Unwillingness-to-communicate, perceptions of the Internet and self-disclosure in ICQ
Unwillingness-to-communicate and college students’ motives in SMS mobile messaging ☆
The relationship between unwillingness-to-communicate and students' Facebook use.
Decisions by Rules: The Case of Unwillingness to Pay for Beneficial Delays
Sheldon, Pavica. . The Relationship Between Unwillingness-to-Communicate and Students Facebook Use.
"You're perfect for the procedure! Why don't you want it?"Elderly arthritis patients' unwillingness to consider total joint arthrop...