- To take the new job he had to uproot his whole family and settled abroad.
他为接受新的工作不得不举家迁居,在国外重新安家。 - A storm raged through the village, uprooting trees and flattening crops.
Uprooting the tree of life.
Uprooting Poverty: The South African Challenge
On Uprooting, Kinship, and the Auspices of Migration
Tree Uprooting: Review of Impacts on Forest Ecology
Uprooting Racism. How White People Can Work for Racial Justice.
Tree uprooting: review of terminology, process, and environmental impl...
Tree uprooting: review of terminology, process, and environmental implications
Role of Uprooting in Composition and Dynamics of an Old‐growth Forest in Japan
An Experimental Investigation of the Resistance of Model Root Systems to Uprooting
The role of root system architecture and root hairs in promoting anchorage against uprooting forces in Allium cepa and root mutants ...