- She speaks a little Urdu.
The Structure of Complex Predicates in UrduEvaluation of the safety and efficacy of sibutramine, orlistat and metformin in the treatment of obesity.Community-Acquired Pneumonia : Importance of Initial Noninvasive Bacteriologic and Radiographic InvestigationsPost-radiation severe xerostomia relieved by pilocarpine: a prospective French cooperative study.Long Distance Agreement in Hindi-UrduRectal instillation of butyrate provides a novel clinically relevant model of noninflammatory colonic hypersensitivity in rats.Age as a predictor of hyperphosphatemia after oral phosphosoda administration for colon preparationLow eradication rate of Helicobacter pylori with triple 7-14 days and quadriple therapy in TurkeyA Multi-Representational and Multi-Layered Treebank for Hindi/Urdu.A Methodology for Using Intelligent Agents to provide Automated Intrusion Response