Response properties of vibrissa units in rat SI somatosensory neocortex
The sensory contribution of a single vibrissa's cortical barrel.
Temporal and spatial integration in the rat SI vibrissa cortex
Active sensation: insights from the rodent vibrissa sensorimotor system.
Neural Activity in Barrel Cortex Underlying Vibrissa-Based Object Localization in Mice
Biomechanics of the Vibrissa Motor Plant in Rat: Rhythmic Whisking Consists of Triphasic Neuromuscular Activity
Distributed representation of vibrissa movement in the upper layers of somatosensory cortex revealed with voltage-sensitive dyes
Spatio-temporal subthreshold receptive fields in the vibrissa representation of rat primary somatosensory cortex.
Efferent neurons and suspected interneurons in S-1 vibrissa cortex of the awake rabbit: receptive fields and axonal properties.
Structure‐function relationships in rat brainstem subnucleus interpolaris. I. Vibrissa primary afferents