Amphotericin B Channels in the Bacterial Membrane: Role of Sterol and TemperatureTraduçäo para o português e validaçäo de um instrumento de medida de gravidade em UTI: TISS-28 - Therapeutic Intervention Scori...A REINVENÇÃO DO CORPO: SEXUALIDADE E GÊNERO NA EXPERIÊNCIA TRANSEXUALHeme Oxygenase-1 Expression in Macrophages Plays a Beneficial Role in AtherosclerosisSoong R, Robbins PD, Dix BR, et al. Concordance between p53 protein overexpression and gene mutation in a large series of common hum...Cultural threat and perceived realistic group conflict as dual predictors of prejudice.Paper 6: EUROCAT member registries: Organization and activitiesTwenty-year trends in the prevalence of Down syndrome and other trisomies in Europe: impact of maternal age and prenatal screeningAir-pollutant chemicals and oxidized lipids exhibit genome-wide synergistic effects on endothelial cellsThe Molecular Subtype Classification Is a Determinant of Sentinel Node Positivity in Early Breast Carcinoma