Carrier sense collision advoidance in a local area networkFEEDING A VOIDANCE OF TERRESTRIAL GASTROPODS TO CONSPECIFIC AND NONSPECIFIC MATERIALWhy do females find ornaments attractive? The coercion゛voidance hypothesisInvestigation of preference゛voidance responses to an oil refinery effluent with striped bass and steelhead troutAcquisition, Extinction, and Flooding in a Voidance Learning as a Function of Response-Contingent StimuliTrade﹐ffs between the shade゛voidance response and plant resistance to herbivores? Tests with mutant Cucumis sativusTV news images that induce anger, fear, and disgust: Effects on approach゛voidance and memorySeedling development in buckwheat and the discovery of the photomorphogenic shade゛voidance responseDesign and analysis of Full Range Adaptive Cruise Control with integrated collision a voidance strategyEsophageal and Vertebral Artery Injuries During Complex Cervical Spine Surgery鈥擜voidance and Management