voting right投票权
voting power表决权,投票权
voting trust委托表决权;委托股票权
voting stock有投票权的股票
cumulative voting选民所领票数与候选人数相同的制度
abstain from voting放弃表决,投票时弃权
voting rights act选举权法;投票权法案(美国专为保证黑人等少数民族选举权的法案)
proxy voting代理投票
- The fist round of voting hasn't finished.
第一轮投票还没有结束。 - Read out the result of a voting in full,please.
请宣读全部投票结果。 - In some countries the legal age for voting is 18.
A theory of the calculus of voting
Voting : a study of opinion formation in a presidential campaign
Retrospective Voting in American National Elections (Book)
Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. by Morris P. Fiorina
The Value of the Voting Right: A Study of the Milan Stock Exchange Experience
Congress : a political-economic history of roll call voting
Application of majority voting to pattern recognition: an analysis of its behavior and performance
A Cross-National Analysis of Economic Voting: Taking Account of the Political Context
A post-processing system to yield reduced word error rates: Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction (ROVER)
Strategy-proofness and Arrow's conditions: Existence and correspondence theorems for voting procedures and social welfare functions ☆