Hypoxia activates the capacity of tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase IX to acidify extracellular pH.
Extracellular protons acidify osteoclasts, reduce cytosolic calcium, and promote expression of cell-matrix attachment structures.
Low intramucosal pH is associated with failure to acidify the gastric lumen in response to pentagastrin
Stratum Corneum Acidification in Neonatal Skin: Secretory Phospholipase A2 and the Sodium|[sol]|Hydrogen Antiporter-1 Acidify Neonat...
Breast cancer cells have a high capacity to acidify extracellular milieu by a dual mechanism.
Pasture legume species differ in their capacity to acidify soil
Soil acidification—the use of sulphur and acidic plant materials to acidify arable soils for the recreation of heathland and acidic...
Environmental performance in the US broiler poultry sector: Life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas, ozone depleting, acidifying an...
Abrasives and compositions for chemical mechanical planarization of tungsten and titanium
Cytokine activation leads to acidification and increases maturation of Mycobacterium avium-containing phagosomes in murine macrophag...