Respiratory Care clinic in patients with stable COPD extended care applicationDicouverte del Egypte contemporaine à travers les arts plastiquesSeroepidemiology of human enterovirus71 and coxsackievirusA16 among children in Guangdong province, ChinaH ∞ Control of Supply Chain Based on Switched Model of Stock LevelOverall geometric mean titer (GMT) of EV71 and CA16 antibody.Study on knowledge union based on fuzzy synthesized evaluationThe Contemporary Art Criticism: Value and Guide of CriticismThe Negro´s fan and its paleoenvironmental changes in the quaternary, southeast edge of Pantanal Mato-Grossense (Brazil)ANALISIS ENERGI PADA PROSES BUDIDAYA KELAPA SAWIT STUDI KASUS PT PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA IV ADOLINA SUMATERA UTARASISTEM AUTENTIFIKASI DENGAN PENGENALAN IRIS