用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- wedge chair楔住椅子
- wedge door楔住门
- wedge window楔住窗户
~+副词- wedge tightly紧紧楔住
- wedge up楔牢
~+介词- wedge between挤在…中间
- wedge in挤在…里
- wedge into挤进…中
- wedge through从…挤出
wedge in挤入;插入
wedge angle楔角;研磨角;尖角
wedge block楔块;楔合块;楔形块
wedge shape楔形
slot wedge槽楔;槽边缘
double wedge双楔翼形,菱形翼形
wedge heel坡跟鞋;楔形跟
optical wedge光楔;光学劈片;光学梯尺
- Put a wedge under the door so that it will stay open.
在门底下塞一块楔子,让门保持开着。 - The attackers formed a wedge and plowed through the enemy line.
进攻者形成了一个楔子,突破了敌军的阵线 - He had a banana and a wedge of cheese for lunch.
- Please wedge this cabinet to keep it from tipping.
请在橱底楔入楔子以防它倾斜。 - Open the door wide and wedge it with a wad of newspaper
把门开大,再用一卷报纸把它楔牢。 - The box won't wedge into such a narrow space.
那盒无法塞进那么小的地方去。 - She could not wedge another item into the suitcase .
她再也无法把别的东西塞进箱子里去了。 - I was so tightly wedged between two fat women that it was difficult for me to get up and leave the bus.
Noncohesive critical Coulomb wedges: An exact solution
Edge-bonded dissimilar orthogonal elastic wedges
Dynamics of orogenic wedges and the uplift of high-pressure metamorphic rocks.
Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies
Stabilization wedges: Solving the climate problem for the next fifty years with current technologies
The mechanics of fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary wedges
Two Edge-Bonded Elastic Wedges of Different Materials and Wedge Angles Under Surface Tractions
Critical Taper Model of Fold-And-Thrust Belts and Accretionary Wedges
Discussion: ``Edge-Bonded Dissimilar Orthogonal Elastic Wedges Under Normal and Shear Loading'' (Bogy, D. B., 1968, ASME J. Appl. Me...
Closure to ``Discussion of `Edge-Bonded Dissimilar Orthogonal Elastic Wedges Under Normal and Shear Loading''' (1969, ASME J. Appl...