- Any of several submerged plants of the genus Ceratophyllum,forming branched masses in quiet water and having finely dissected,whorled leaves and minute unisexual flowers.
角苔,一种金鱼藻属的水下植物,在风平浪静时会形成纵横交错的树枝网,生有轮生的多裂叶,开极小的单性花。 - Any of various submersed aquatic herbs of the genus Elodea,native to the New World,having opposite or whorled one-nerved narrow leaves and small axillary flowers.
Linear and whorled pigmentation.
Linear and whorled hypermelanosis
Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis
Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis
Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis.
Familial linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis
Predicting rare orchid (small whorled pogonia) habitat using GIS.
Torsion of wandering spleen: The whorled appearance of the splenic pedicle on CT
Different Patterns of Floral Development in Whorled Flowers, Exemplified by Apiaceae and Brassicaceae
Postnatal confirmation of prenatally diagnosed trisomy 20 mosaicism in a patient with linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis