WinterlyWinterly Incipit in TroubadoursSeparation of chemically and dynamically induced ozone trends in winterly northern latitudesRemarks on winterly dynamical conditions[Studies on the rates of winterly desiccation and its dependence on the cuticula-thickness and stomata-depth in Douglas-fir (Pseudot...P13R.2 Z TO R RELATIONSHIPS FOR SNOWFALL-EVENTS IN AUSTRIA, DETERMINED BY MODELLING WINTERLY PRECIPITATION PARTICLES REALISTICALLYP13R.2 Z to R relationships for snowfall-events in Austria, determined by modelling winterly precipitation particles realistically (...Abstracts of the Eighth Winter Symposium on Chemometrics (WSC-8)Winter Deposition Rates of Atmospheric Trace Constituents in Forests: Assessment of Total InputDie Schneehöhen in den Ostalpen und die Bedeutung der winterlichen Temperaturinversion