- Plant volatiles released by Wistaria sinensis repelled the ladybeetles whenever the plant was intact or injured.
紫藤在正常的生长状况下和蚜虫为害后,都会产生排斥异色瓢虫的化学物质。 - Pine,Rocks and Wistaria by Li Shan of the Qing Dynasty.Vines climb up a pine tree,under which the peonies are in full bloom.
Phytomitogen from Wistaria floribunda seeds and its interaction with human peripheral lymphocytes
Lectins from Wistaria floribunda seeds and their effect on membrane fluidity of human peripheral lymphocytes.
Purification and characterization of a lectin from Wistaria floribunda seeds
Anti-tumor promoting activities of isoflavonoids from Wistaria brachybotrys
Immunochemical specificity of the combining site of Wistaria floribunda hemagglutinin
Constituents of leguminous plants, XIII. New triterpenoid saponins from Wistaria brachybotrys.
Anti-tumor-promoting activities of afromosin and soyasaponin I isolated from Wistaria brachybotrys
Reconstitution of hybrid toxin from Fragment A of diphtheria toxin and a subunit of Wistaria floribunda lectin.
The (1----3)-linked alpha-L-fucosyl group of the N-glycans of the Wistaria floribunda lectins is recognized by a rabbit anti-serum
Hybrid toxin of the A chain of ricin toxin and a subunit of Wistaria floribunda lectin. Possible importance of the hydrophobic regio...