- Did you notice what the angel said to Zacharias?
你注意到天使对对撒迦利亚说甚麽吗? - And when Zacharias saw, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him.
Semiconductor nanowires: from self-organization to patterned growth.Benefits and potential harm of lowering high blood pressure.Size-controlled highly luminescent silicon nanocrystals: A SiO/SiO2 superlattice approachFormation of nanotubes and hollow nanoparticles based on Kirkendall and diffusion processes: a review.Monocrystalline spinel nanotube fabrication based on the Kirkendall effect. Nat MaterHighly Efficient Single-Phase Transformerless Inverters for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic SystemsDissecting protein–RNA recognition sitesClassification and control of the origin of photoluminescence from Si nanocrystalsTHE THIRD US NAVAL OBSERVATORY CCD ASTROGRAPH CATALOG (UCAC3)Nichtlineare Operatorgleichungen und Operatordifferentialgleichungen