- His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience.
他发表尖刻言论的倾向使得他的听众疏远了他。 - His parents went through an acrimonious divorce.
Acrimonious acronyms: CRMO, SAPHO and a sore shin
After Acrimonious Debate, India Rejects GM Eggplant
Acrimonious realities and the death of art : a study of Charles W. Chesnutt /
Stem Cell President Quits after Acrimonious Meeting
Personal evidence: Comments on an acrimonious argument
The Defence of Provocation: An Acrimonious Divorce from Reality
Acrimonious contact disputes and so-called parental alienation syndrome: a model of understanding to assist with resolution
2. Allergen Management – Accidental to Acrimonious: Allergy Recalls and Contamination Issues
Parental Alienation: How to Understand and Address Parental Alienation Resulting from Acrimonious Divorce or Separation
Review: L.F. Lowenstein Parental Alienation: How to Understand and Address Parental Alienation Resulting from Acrimonious Divorce or...