- We had to have a boarder in our house for two weeks.
我们不得不接纳一个寄宿者两周时间。 - I thought I had all my bases covered, but all the legalities and planning are no assurance a boarder will pay on time.
Apparatus and method of manufacturing a stone appearing post cover
The regulation of vascular function by P2 receptors: multiple sites and multiple receptors.
G protein-coupled P2 purinoceptors: from molecular biology to functional responses
A role for phospholipase D in control of mitogenesis.
PPADS and suramin as antagonists at cloned P2Y- and P2U-purinoceptors
Effects of a-lipoic acid on endothelial function in aged diabetic and high-fat fed rats
Stimulation of Formation of Inositol Phosphates in Primary Cultures of Bovine Adrenal Chromaffin Cells by Angiotensin II, Histamine,...
Regulation of brain capillary endothelial cells by P2Y receptors coupled to Ca2+, phospholipase C and mitogen-activated protein kinase
Acquisition and extinction of continuously and partially reinforced running in rats with lesions of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle
Evidence that P2Y4 nucleotide receptors are involved in the regulation of rat aortic smooth muscle cells by UTP and ATP