- A day is about one thirtieth of a month.
一天大约是一个月的三十分之一。 - It will cost in the region of $500.
Type 2 diabetes-a matter of beta-cell life and death?
Type 2 Diabetes-a Matter of ß-Cell Life and Death?
Access to Medical Care for Black and White Americans: A Matter of Continuing Concern
Cellular response to endoplasmic reticulum stress: a matter of life or death
Food allergy is a matter of geography after all: sesame as a major cause of severe IgE-mediated food allergic reactions among infant...
The evolution of molecular markers--just a matter of fashion?
Predicting Behavior From Actions in the Past: Repeated Decision Making or a Matter of Habit?
Differential expression in RNA-seq: a matter of depth.
Premarital cohabitation and subsequent marital dissolution: a matter of self-selection?
Modulation of inflammation in brain: a matter of fat.