BrachycephalicBrachycephalicBrachycephalicChapter 40 – Brachycephalic Airway SyndromePattern of breathing in brachycephalic dogsSurgical correction of brachycephalic syndrome in dogs: 62 cases (1991-2004).A comparison of corneal sensitivity between brachycephalic and Domestic Short‐haired catsUpper airway obstruction surgery 2: Soft palate resection in brachycephalic dogsUpper airway obstruction surgery. 1. Stenotic nares surgery in brachycephalic dogsPrevalence of gastrointestinal tract lesions in 73 brachycephalic dogs with upper respiratory syndrome.Tracheal diameter: analysis of radiographic measurements in brachycephalic and nonbrachycephalic dogs.Results of surgical correction of abnormalities associated with brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome in dogs in AustraliaLong-term results of upper respiratory syndrome surgery and gastrointestinal tract medical treatment in 51 brachycephalic dogs