- Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.
她天性谦虚,从不自吹,喜欢以自己的成就来表明一切。 - However, Captain Prien was no braggart
The Braggart in Italian Renaissance Comedy
The Braggart in Renaissance Comedy by Daniel C. Boughner
The Braggart's Dilemma: On the Social Rewards and Penalties of Adverti...
The merchant ; The braggart soldier ; The ghost ; The Persian
The Braggart Soldier and The Rufián in The Spanish Drama of Sixteenth Century
The Braggart's dilemma: On the social rewards and penalties of advertising prosocial behavior.
Being a Likable Braggart: How Consumers Use Brand Mentions for Self-Presentation on Social Media
Crackinge Thraso: The Braggart Soldier Image in Sixteenth-Century Sermons and Religious Polemic
'A Mad-Cap Ruffian and a Swearing Jack': Braggart Courtship from Miles Gloriosus to The Taming of the Shrew