- I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum.
我不愿意永远在这里干下去。 - A flea has smaller fleas to prey on them, and these have smaller still to bite them, and so proceed ad infinitum.
Ad infinitum.
Ad Infinitum
Ad infinitum
Yn y byd
Extended Star Formation in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies: the Cases of Draco, Sextans, and Ursa Minor
Ad Nauseam
Hopeless Parents Find Relief For Their Children\'s Eczema With Vidazorb(R) Belly Boost™
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Theory and Practice of Developing an Effective Simulation-based Clinical Curriculum
Bajo fuego cruzado: las máscaras del latinoamericanismo en la academia estadounidense
Towards a Unified Approach to (In)Decision: Routing, Games, Circuits, Consensus, and Beyond
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