- But Page and Brin have a different view.
但是裴吉与布林的看法不同。 - Mr Brin's faith in the transformative power of knowledge also has personal roots.
Autologous fibrin-cultured limbal stem cells permanently restore the corneal surface of patients with total limbal stem cell deficie...Characterization of a novel glucose-responsive insulin-secreting cell line, BRIN-BD11, produced by electrofusion.From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War by Robert M. Gates; On the Brink: Th..."INVESTIGATION ON FRUIT ROT [Phomopsis vexulls (Sacc. and Syd.1] Uarter OF BRIN.IAL. [Phomopsis vexans (Sacc. and Syd.) AND ITS MANA...Inhibition genetique par de l'arn double brinReprint of: The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual web search engineThe anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine ☆Dynamic itemset counting and implication rules for market basket dataDynamic itemset counting and implication rules for market basket dataBeyond market baskets: generalizing association rules to correlations