- The fuel might be wood, charcoal or any other burnable material.
这些燃料可以是木柴,木炭以及任何其他可燃烧的材料。 - Moreover, burn time to also affect the burnable full, combustion time is short hard full combustion.
Non-burnable varistor
Application of Burnable Absorbers in an Accelerator-Driven System
Optimal Burnable Poison-Loading in a PWR with Carbon Coated Particle Fuel
Development of Improved Burnable Poisons for Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors
The n+n combined structure gas sensor based on burnable gases
Parametric Study of the Effect of Burnable Poison Rods for PWR Burnup Credit
Long-term control of excess reactivity by burnable poison in reflector regions
Improvement of power coefficient by using burnable poison in the CANDU reactor
Low temperature burnable carbon nanotube paste component for carbon nanotube field emitter backlight unit
New genetic algorithms (GA) to optimize PWR reactors : Part II: Simultaneous optimization of loading pattern and burnable poison pla...