- The old man was found burying in the snow.
那老人被发现埋在雪堆里。 - Holding Bella tight, burying his face in her hair, he gave thanks with such eloquence she started to weep all over again.
他搂紧贝拉,将脸埋在她的秀发里,他用如此质朴而美丽的语言献上真挚的谢意,惹得她又开始落泪了。 - They had come to show their gratitude by burying their savior!
它们是来埋葬恩人以表达谢意的! - Are there now no places for burying or cremating corpses?
Burying as a defensive response in rats.
Alias burying: Unique variables without destructive reads
The ecology and behavior of burying beetles
Evaluation of marble-burying behavior as a model of anxiety.
Conditioned defensive burying: a new paradigm for the study of anxiolytic agents
Burying the dead: the impact of failed apoptotic cell removal (efferocytosis) on chronic inflammatory lung disease.
Leaf-burying crabs: Their influence on energy flow and export from mixed mangrove forests ( Rhizophora spp.) in northeastern Austra...
Structural and thermodynamic consequences of burying a charged residue within the hydrophobic core of T4 lysozyme
Social stimuli affect juvenile hormone during breeding in biparental burying beetles (Silphidae: Nicrophorus).
Vandivier RW, Henson PM, Douglas ISBurying the dead. The impact of failed cell removal (efferocytosis) on chronic inflammatory lung ...