- The effects of Calcium Chloride on improving the salt resistance of Zea mays L.
氯化钙在提高玉米抗盐性方面的作用。 - Industrial calcium chloride aqueous solution used as anti-icing fluid has some corrosive action to common metals.
Using calcium chloride injection to improve tenderness of beef from mature cows.Effects of calcium chloride injection and hot boning on the tenderness of round muscles.Effect of calcium chloride infusion on the tenderness of lambs fed a beta-adrenergic agonistThe effectiveness of calcium chloride in refractory electromechanical dissociation.Prolonged incubation in calcium chloride improves the competence of Escherichia coli cellsSoil analysis procedures using 0.01 M calcium chloride as extraction reagent.Prolonged incubation in calcium chloride improves the competence ofEscherichia coli. Gene6, 23-28Secular variation in seawater chemistry and the origin of calcium chloride basinal brinesAcceleration of postmortem tenderization in ovine carcasses by calcium chloride infusion.Acceleration of postmortem tenderization in ovine carcasses through infusion of calcium chloride: effect of concentration and ionic ...