- The heart and all blood vessels make up the cardiovascular system.
心血管系统是由心脏和全身的血管所组成。 - Blood pressure cannot possibly be the same throughout the enclosed cardiovascular system at any given time.
Thyroid hormone and the cardiovascular system
Thyroid hormone and the cardiovascular system. N Engl J Med
Thyroid hormone and the cardiovascular system: from theory to practice.
Chronic Kidney Disease Effects on the Cardiovascular System
The protective effects of estrogen on the cardiovascular system.
Mutations affecting the cardiovascular system and other internal organs in zebrafish
Functional organization of central pathways regulating the cardiovascular system.
Mutations affecting the formation and function of the cardiovascular system in the zebrafish embryo
Endothelial function, vascular reactivity and gender differences in the cardiovascular system
Angiotensin II cell signaling: physiological and pathological effects in the cardiovascular system.